Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jacob out in the snow! 2/7/11

Jacob loves the snow!!

Jacob playn with hospital tv 2/7/11

Jacob went to hospital for his wheezing, he has a cold, it turns out he has an ear infection and is taking antibiotics.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Everytime i look at the reflection of myself in the mirror, i can see my dads features, it's like he's staring back at me =[
The snowflakes look so alive like their dancing through the air.

R.I.P. dad! i love and miss you so much! Ralph Leberton Judd III 5/4/1953-10/18/2010

by Ruby Card on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 1:22pm

 My dad Ralph Leberton Judd III was born on May 4th, 1953, he lived in Millinocket, Maine with his longtime girlfriend Nora Sacobie and his son Ralph Leberton Judd IV. He is the son of Ralph Leberton Judd II and Earline (Butler) Judd of LisbonFalls Maine. Sadly my dad passed peacefully away in his sleep on Monday October 18th, 2010..3 days before my 26th birthday =[ I spent my birthday at my dads wake crying because he is gone. Well the day i found out about my dads passing was Monday the 18th (day he passed) around 6:00pm that day my aunt Sheila called but i missed the call so she had left me a voice message telling me to call my grammy and grampy right away and that it's very important, so i called them back and my grammy got on the phone and told me the bad news that my dad has passed away in his sleep, i broke down crying hysterically on the phone while my grammy was telling me the information, i told her i had to call her back later cause i was way to upset at that time, so then i had to call my sister Jessie to tell her the bad news of our dads passing, ofcourse she didn't take it well at all, she too broke down crying hysterically, then i called my husband to tell him, i was crying so hard, my husband rushed home to support and comfort me. My dads wake was at Crosman Funeral in LisbonFalls, Maine (on my birthday Oct. 21st, 2010) and his funeral and burial was the following day (Friday the 22cd) When i saw him laying there in his casket at his wake, i broke down and cryed, i couldn't believe he was gone, i touched his hand, kissed him on the forhead and told him.."dad, it's Ruby, i'm here with Cameron and Jacob, we love you dad! i miss you so much! i know your wishing me a Happy Birthday! i know your in a better place now"  then i introduced his grandson Jacob to him, cause he never got the chance to see Jacob, last time i talked to my dad on the phone a few months ago, he told me he planned on coming down to visit me and the kids and also so he could meet his grandson Jacob for the first time, the last time i physically got a visit from him was about 3 years ago when Cameron was younger, i even have that picture of the very last time i was with him ...

my dad, me and Cameron 2007 (last time i was with my dad) but i talked to him on the phone a few months ago.

I'm sad that i couldn't get another visit from him and see and talk to him one last time to tell him i love him, but i know that he's up in heaven with the lord and with his sister Earline (my aunt who passed away from breast cancer) and he is now happy and at peace, he is looking down from heaven and i know he loves me and the rest of his family and he knows we all love him, he finally gets to see Jacob for the first time now that he's in Heaven, he hears and sees us and i know he will always be with us in our hearts and memories forever and i know that one day we will all be together again in heaven. My dad loved the Beatles band and he use to have the whole collection of Star Trek, years ago when i and Jessie were younger. He married Bonnie years ago and they had a son together name Ralph Judd IV (my little brother) my brother was living with our dad before he died, but now my brother is living with his mom in New York, he made a promise to my dad that he will name his future son Ralph Judd the fifth, that's what my dad use to always tell him that all he wanted was for my brother Ralph to name his future son after them and have the name live on. That's so sweet and i know that's making our dad proud! there is a picture of my dad and my little brother Ralph Judd IV together the day at my wedding Oct. 2004...
my little brother Ralph Judd IV with our dad Ralph Judd III at my wedding Oct. 2004.

then there is a picture of my dad with his parents(my grammy and grampy)...

my dad(right)Ralph Judd III with his parents(my grammy and grampy) Ralph Judd II and earline Judd.

My dad loved all his kids! so he wasn't there for his kids most the time but i know he loved us alot! and he thought about us, he knows we all love him too, he use to call me and my sister Jessie his pride and joys, i'll never forget that, i'm gonna miss him saying that to us, he use to get sooo excited whenever i called him or when he saw me or Jessie, and ofcourse he was always talking about how happy he was to have his son Ralph living with him, he wanted to raise him well, and make sure he went to school everyday. I'll never ever forget the one time my dad called me about 2 or 3 years ago (i missed the call) so he left me a voice message saying this.."Hey Ruby, it's dad, i was just sitting here on my porch looking up at the clouds and i noticed one of the clouds looks like an angel wearing a dress and it reminded me of you, cause when you were a little girl you had this white dress on and you looked like a beautiful angel, you are my pride and joy, i miss you girls alot, i'm sorry i havent been in you and Jessie's lives much, i love you girls so much and i miss you, tell Jessie i love her, you both are my pride and joys!" my brother Ralph was living with him at the time so he was happy that he could bond with his son but he missed me and Jessie alot, and hearing that message at the time made me cry knowing that he does think of me and wonder how me and Jessie are doing, and knowing that he loves us! that was special to know that he was just sitting there thinking about us by looking at clouds and seeing an angel shped cloud that reminded him of me, i wish i had kept that message, in fact i wish i had been there to answer that one call at that time =[ i forgot to tell him that i had listened to that message, but i'm sure now he knows, cause i wrote it in the letter that i stuck in his casket with him, i'm so glad i was able to write him that 4 page letter and have it be put in his casket with him, i know he has read it in heaven and he's smiling. I also won't forget the one memory of when it was just me, Jessie and our dad years ago at his apartment when he was single, he was cooking us some beef stew in a pot and me and Jessie would sneak some pieces of the beef and we would eat it and giggle, dad almost caught us eating it..lol. Then we all ate it together and after we ate, our dad had put some Beatles music on and all three of us were dancing and clapping our hands onto our laps to the beat of the music, we were all smiling, laughing and having a great time! that was one great special memory me and Jessie have with our dad, and i'll always have them memory, i don't ever want to forget it. Dad use to always be so protective of his daughters (me and Jessie) he use to tell us if there was ever a girlfriend of his that we didn't approve of then he would get rid of her and one day years ago he was with some women (can't remember her name) but me and Jessie did not like her because she kicked our dads cats, so we told dad to get rid of her and he gladly did! he told her to get lost! lol and unfortuantely he met Gail (a prostitute and druggy) from Lewiston and married her, me and Jessie did not like her at all whatsoever!! she was mean and evil, she use to hit our dad on the head with frying pans and use to beat on him, then she got arrested for drugs and was in there for years! thank god! so then my dad moved on and was with diffrent women throughout the years, he recently was with his longtime girlfriend Nora Sacobie, we love her, she's a great person, our dad loved her so much! they were like bestfriends..always by eachothers side. I feel bad for Nora, cause she was the one who discovered my dad wasn't breathing and that he had died, she was so hysterical and upset, and now that he's gone, she must be so lonely and sad, but i know dad would want her to be strong, i'm hoping she's okay, it's so hard for all of us, and especiually for my grandparents, he was the second child they have lost, they lost their daughter Earline (my aunt) to breast cancer, but now her and my dad are together up in heaven with the wonderful lord! =] they both are at peace now and they both know their families all loved them so much! they will never be forgotten. I miss you daddy! and i love you so much! i'll be visiting you at the cemetary every year! i'll leave u some flowers, i have your pictures of you, and i look at one of them everyday and kiss it and talk to you in that picture everyday and it makes me feel better to know that you are in heaven smiling down at me and the rest of your family too. We all love and miss you dad! r.i.p. we'll see you again someday. Hugs and Kisses.
Love, your daughter Ruby.

P.s. dad thank you for being at my wedding, i am absolutely grateful that you got to see me get married on my special day!..

my dad, me and my husband on my wedding day oct. 15th, 2004.

Yay i'm so happy for Cameron, the toothfairy came and left him a dollar and took his baby tooth. He was so excited about it! I remember thinking back when he was a baby and got his first tooth in, i thought, one day i will be responsible for being the toothfairy and placing money under his pillow...ill be proud to do so. =]

Jacob at Kmart. Fall 2010

Jacob,. Fall 2010

Jacob. Fall 2010

Jacob when he was younger. Summer 2010

Jacob in leaves. 2010

My kids. Fall 2010

My kids in fall leaves 2010

Me,Cam and pooh at disneyworld 2009

My kids. Fall 2010 colorsplashed

My sunflower..colorsplashed edited 2010